Services for
retailers & business
Business & retail book supply.
CBL Distribution can offer retailers & businesses a variety of solutions to meet their needs, which include:
Full sales support with a dedicated account manager.
A bespoke range to suit your needs.
Core stock management.
Various ordering methods including; EDI, Tradacoms, FTP, Teleordering and more.
Delivery to either a single warehouse, store or multiple destinations.

Operation strategies...
Key accounts
CBL distribution has a dedicated team dealing with our key accounts so we always maintain a full understanding of its customer's needs.
Regular customer meetings.
Personal visits and meetings where appropriate.
Delivery & order processing prioritisation.
Delivery scheduling.
CBL's export team has specialist knowledge in all aspects of exportation of shipments. Specific customs requirements, freight forwarder procedures and documents can all be adjusted to requirement dependent upon customer location.

Ordering methods
We provide our customers with a variety of ordering methods such as...
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
We are also able to integrate and adapt our systems to suit your existing ordering methods, using either ISBN's or your own product SKU's.

Consumer direct fulfillment
CBL has the capability to provide consumer direct fulfillment services to internet retailers, ensuring efficient delivery of the entire range of products distributed by CBL directly to the end consumers.

Get in touch.
Alex Robertson
Business Development Director
Pippa Simpson
National Account Manager
Sam Rumbelow Grange
Publisher Liaison Manager
Our Sales Team
New Business Enquiries
CBL Distribution Ltd. 2024
Registered in England No: 9027903. VAT No: GB 186 4527 76
Registered Office:
CBL Suite, Cambrai Court,
1229 Stratford Road, Hall Green,
Birmingham, B28 9AA,
United Kingdom
Tel. 0121 608 3950
CBL Suite, Cambrai Court,
1229 Stratford Road, Birmingham
B28 9AA, United Kingdom
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Our sales team
The CBL sales team consists of a core group of in-house sales representatives, all of whom are dynamic, experienced industry professionals.
We have established relationships with buyers at all the major book accounts and we keep those relationships personal and responsive.
Our sales team presents all key titles to all major retail, wholesale and internet accounts both domestically and internationally.